Please note that all times are in EST.
Crafting Your Bio & Artist Statement
Part of the Sustainability in Dance Series
One powerful way that audiences, funders, potential collaborators, peers, and community at large can get to know about you and your creative work is through your bio and artist statement. Both invite us to communicate with clarity, precision, and eloquence what our journeys have been along with what we value, strive towards, and carry with us in our artistic lives. Both require brevity and distillation.
In this generative workshop we will be discussing the elements of bios and artist statements, analyzing examples, engaging with writing prompts, and workshopping portions of our own.
Odissi Taala: Rhythm on the Drum, Rhythm in the Dance with Devraj Patnaik
May 11th & 18th
10 - 11:30 am PST/1pm - 2:30 pm EST
$45 total for both sessions
All info at
Taala is the very life force of Odissi. It literally moves dancers across the stage, creates dramatic in choreography, catalyzes abhinaya, and helps unfold stories. When we are immersed in understanding the art of rhythm, with its intricacies and nuance, we deepen every aspect of our dance.
OANA is thrilled to offer this upcoming two-day workshop on Taala with the virtuosic, multi-disciplinary artist, Devraj Patnaik - Artistic Director of Chitralekha Odissi Dance Creations (CODC).
The first session will focus on Taala on the Drum. Students will learn about the Mardala - its history, innovators, relationship to Hindustani Pakhawaj, and more before diving into a wide range of specific rhythmic cycles. Session two, Taala in the Dance, attendees will gain understanding of how rhythm is applied in Odissi through breaking down steppings, brahmaris, Gati Bheda, and Pallavis and other items.
We hope that you will join us for this vibrant offering. Taala is inextricably linked to Odissi Dance and knowledge of it is absolutely crucial for every lover of the form. Please help us spread the word.
The single fee of $45 total covers both sessions. One ticket per person. If you are only able to attend one session, please register and attend, and you will receive video of the session missed afterwards. If the cost of the workshop is an insurmountable financial hardship for you, please write to No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
About the Artist.
Intro to Odissi Music by Dr. Sangita Gosain, Part Two
OANA was exceedingly proud to present a two-part introductory workshop on Odissi music led by distinguished scholar/artist/administrator Dr. Sangita Gosain. In addition to being a leading authority on Odissi music, she is the CEO of the Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Odissi Research Centre. Through her tireless efforts, Gosain has had a profound impact on the Odissi community across the globe.
Intro to Odissi Music with Dr. Sangita Gosain, Part I
OANA was exceedingly proud to present a two-part introductory workshop on Odissi music led by distinguished scholar/artist/administrator Dr. Sangita Gosain. In addition to being a leading authority on Odissi music, she is the CEO of the Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Odissi Research Centre. Through her tireless efforts, Gosain has had a profound impact on the Odissi community across the globe.
Bay Area Meet
Bay Area Odissi teachers and dancers met to learn more about OANA, discuss and provide feedback. It was an excellent interaction with valuable responses and a great opportunity to bond too. OANA thanks all who attended and especially Gayatri Mishra Joshi for hosting.
Celebrating a Groundbreaking Odissi Institution
Kala Vikash Kendra was one of Odisha’s pioneering efforts in systematic investment in Odissi dance and music. We were honored to have esteemed senior Gurus/artists, Sangeeta Mahapatra Kar, Nandita Behera, Rohini Doshi Dandavate, Tiklimeena Patnaik, and Jayashree Mohapatra speak about the groundbreaking institution.
Community Forum
We welcomed our beloved Odissi community of North America to a community forum. OANA's goal is to serve the community by providing meaningful offerings and programs. To that end, we were excited to share a strategic plan with all who attended. We were most delighted to hear and note the thoughts, ideas, questions, and proposals that were conveyed, as we collectively work together to meet everyone's hopes and goals for this organization.
GrantZ 101
OANA is pleased to offer the first of these informational sessions on August 17, 2022 at 5pm PST/8pm EST. Hoping to demystify what can sometimes feel like an intimidating submission process, this first session will be an overview of the elements of most grant applications.
Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Menaka Thakkar
The North American dance community continues to grieve the loss of preeminent Indian dancer and educator, Dr. Menaka Thakkar. In the wake of her passing, Odissi Alliance of North America (OANA) offered "Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Menaka Thakkar," an online tribute where fellow dancers, students, loved ones of Dr. Thakkar, and the greater Odissi community gathered to commemorate, recognize, uplift, and celebrate her remarkable life and extraordinary contribution to Indian dance.
A Conversation with Dr. Ratna Roy
We hosted A Conversation with Dr. Ratna Roy. This wonderful evening was the launch of an exciting initiative – OANA’s Oral History Series. The event also featured reflections from OANA’s initiators – Dr. Sri Gopal Mohanty, Dr. Purna Patnaik, and Sri Pratap Das.
A COVID Support Offering
Members of North America's Odissi community joined us for OANA's first online offering, a Community Care Circle dedicated to everyone's well-being during these times, and shared their voices. They engaged in breathwork and meditation guided by trauma-informed yoga practitioner, Demetria Jackson and were absorbed in a healing abhinaya prayer led by senior Odissi artist, Guru Chitralekha Patnaik.