
Community Engagement Committee

Join the committee to engage with all the community members to ensure that programming is appropriate and inclusive of everyone and also network with organizations beyond the community.

Marketing & Communications Committee

Are you experienced in marketing - content development, successful in social media, great in email communications or writing newsletters or would love to learn? Come join the Marketing & Communications Committee!

Fund Development Committee

If you are experienced or eager to learn, join the committee to do grant writing; create the partnership program, donor program or sponsorship program; or develop the educational series for our community.

Next Gen Committee

More very soon!

Archival Committee

Join the committee to create an archival of Odissi dance in North America along with presenting our ongoing Oral History Series, which features those who have contributed immensely to Odissi dance in NA.

Leading Open Practice Sessions

We invite our North American Odissi community members to lead our Open Practice Sessions, by sharing your warm up and cool down routine while participants do their own practice in between.